Présentation de l'école

For this 11th edition of the Thematic School on Screening (ETC2024), we are delighted to invite you to Roscoff for a session entitled "Molecular Screening: in search of chemical probes of interest in human therapy".

This thematic school brings together multidisciplinary participants from academia and industry, with the aim of stimulating exchanges in this field. The event will provide an opportunity not only to train new players, but also to introduce new scientific and methodological approaches to experienced participants.

The teaching provided during the screening school should enable participants to find answers to the following fundamental questions:

  •     Why, when and how to screen?
  •     Modeling and in silico screening
  •     How to analyze results?
  •     Hit to lead" approach
  •     New experimental screening methods
  •     How to add value to these molecules?

Presentations will be made in plenary sessions, as well as in mini-group workshops. With a few rare exceptions, they will be in French.

Speakers will be engineers, researchers and teacher-researchers with expertise in the field, working in the academic or private sector. They will share their own experience through numerous examples and real-life situations.

Participants in the screening school will be welcomed on site from September 24 to 27, 2024, with full board.

As the number of places is limited, a pre-registration stage will be organized.

Register now.


    • Stéphane Bach, UMR8227 & FR2424, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Thomas Robert, UMR8227 & FR2424, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Marc Blondel, CHRU, UMR1078, GGB, service de génétique clinique et de biologie de la reproduction, Brest
    • Pierre Colas, UMR8227, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Sandrine Ruchaud, UMR8227, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Marie-Odile Fauvarque, IRIG-DS-BGE-Gen&Chem CEA-Grenoble, Grenoble.
    • Dominique Guianvarc'h, UMR 8182 Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay
    • Florence Leroux, U1177, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Drugs & Molecules for Living Systems
    • Cyril Couturier, U1177, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Drugs & Molecules for Living Systems 
    • Christophe Zimmer, Institut Pasteur de Paris, UMR3691, Imagerie et modélisation
    • Olivier Sperandio, DR, Institut Pasteur de Paris, UMR3528, Chemoinformatics and Proteochemometrics, Laboratoire: Bioinformatique structurale
    • Jean‐Luc Galzi, UMR 7242 BSC Biotechnologie et signalisation cellulaire, Illkirch
    • Pascal Villa, UMS 3286 PCBIS, Drug Discovery Center, Illkirch
    • Didier Leroy, Drug Discovery, Medicines for Malaria Venture, Meyrin, Suisse
    • Céline Legros, Drug Discovery partnership director, Eurofins Cerep, Celle-Lévescault


    • Thomas Robert, UMR8227 & FR2424, Plateforme de criblage KISSf, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Stéphane Bach, UMR8227 & FR2424, Plateforme de criblage KISSf, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Marc BlondelUMR1078, GGB, service de génétique clinique et de biologie de la reproduction, Brest
    • Blandine BaratteUMR8227 & FR2424, Plateforme de criblage KISSf, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Béatrice JosselinUMR8227 & FR2424, Plateforme de criblage KISSf, Station Biologique de Roscoff
    • Maryvonne SaoutUMR8227, Station Biologique de Roscoff

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